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MCQs on Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology

mcqs on Biotechnology

Analytical techniques and their applications are compulsory subjects in the Biotechnology course in various universities and colleges' graduate and post-graduate syllabi. Analytical techniques are used in Biotechnology for the identification, characterization, detection, analysis, quantification of biochemical, chemical compounds, and microbes. 

These methods are used in biotechnology for research, development, and quality control of pharmaceutical and biotechnology products. The properties analyzed are morphology, color, odor, mass, chemical composition, molecular structure, radioactivity, interactions between molecules, etc.

There are lots of entrance and competitive exams organized by the universities and government agencies on the Biotechnology subject which also include the multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology. So practicing on the MCQs on Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology is also very important for getting good marks in the competitive and entrance exams.

For More Visit: MCQs on Biotechnology

Topics of Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology

BioTechBug team subject experts prepared MCQs on Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology on the important topics of the subjects that are also very important for getting good marks in the competitive and entrance exams. The major topics of the Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology are listed below.

  • Cell culture techniques 
  • Centrifugation
  • Chromatographic techniques
  • Electrophoretic techniques
  • Immunochemical techniques
  • Microscopy
  • Mass spectrometric techniques
  • Polymerase chain reaction
  • Radioisotope Techniques 
  • Sampling
  • Spectroscopic techniques
  • Thermal Analysis and Calorimetric
  • Weighing
Disclaimer: All Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology multiple choice questions and answers are prepared with accuracy but we do not claim for 100% accuracy so place checks the answers yourself also because there is the chance of mistyping. 

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